Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily blog... Yeah right

This whole "daily" thing is going great don't cha think?  I'm starting to think Maybe I should make this more of a "journal" type thing, the word "blog" makes me feel like I actually need to say something when I'm writing, which I guess is kind of the whole point, you know, to say stuff, rather than just "Hey, I said I'd write daily, so here's today bye!" But anyway, in my defense it's been a hell of a week. The main purpose of this is say that I've started playing basketball and running with a friend who's very bad at basketball like myself.  Every 2 shots we miss we run the length of the court down and back.  Which is very effective since we're terrible.  Also I'm on my 6th day without soda.  But now I'm going to rant a little bit.  Here's my week.
 My week
I started writing in my old stories some.  Just a few pages here and there, nothing much.  I was also told that I'm on the verge of getting fired from the job I've had for the last 17 months.  It's also my only job, ever.  Why am I on the verge of getting fired?  Well see, we have this thing in the fast food business called "mispacks" which is basically what it sounds like, it's whenever a customer's order is mispacked.  Anyway, back in October I was trying to juggle first semester in college, friends, and work, so my work ethic may have been a little slacked.  Anyway, I had 3 mispacks that month which is highly frowned upon in my place of employment.  So this month when all the new rules kicked in; we now have days where we're "on call" yep.  A fast food restaurant where we're "on call" if we don't show up, or can't show up we get written up and on a 3-5 day suspension. We call in once 3-5 days, call in twice and you're outta here.  We have a mispack we get written up, second is 3-5 day suspension, and next is termination.  Now this mispack is an issue I've became very serious about to make up for my horribleness in October.   I don't mispack.  I'm careful, because I like my job and I realize how lucky I am to still have it after that month.  But when I'm working the drive through window I put an appropriate amount of trust in my packer not to mispack (I'm not allowed away from the window during rush).  I look in the bag, make sure all the right wrappers are there, that kind of thing.  95% of the time if there's something special like a cajan cheese biscuit, I'll yell back to my packer and ask to make sure that's what they grabbed before handing it out.  Well there's still that 5%.  And that 5% got me in trouble.  See whenever we have a mispack it goes on the drive through person's record.   The packer doesn't even get a slap on the hand.  The drive through person get's written up.  So after that mispack I changed the 95% into 100% and usually asking more than once.  But it's not my fault if my packer lies to me.  I'm not going to take the biscuit out of the bag and open it up after I've been handling money.   That looks disgusting to the customer at the window.  But management doesn't see it that way.  All they see is that I had 2 mispacks in one day. So the manager sat me down the next day.  The only reason I didn't get suspended is because we already had to many people on suspension.  So they bring up the October thing (I should mention I had 0 mispacks the entire months of November and December), and say that because of that, and this I'm no longer a "trustworthy drive through  cashier and the next mispack or write up I get I'm fired.  After 18 months I'm on the verge of getting fired because my packer lied to me.  When we close drive through has a list of 20 things we have to have done.  If we get 3 of those counted off we get written up.  Front person has over 30 with the same rules.  I closed drive through or front 4 days that week.  Each night going home having to worry if I'll still have a job the next day. Anyway, I was doing the closing thing Tuesday-Friday, and saturday I had a 4.5 hour shift, just a simple mid-shift that has a lot to do, but no chance of write ups, due to not a lot of business.  What did they have me doing on Saturday.? Training a new MANAGER.  Obviously I'm confused on whether to be utterly pissed by this or utterly honored.  I'm not a "trustworthy drive through cashier" but you'll have me train a manager on drive through?  I was awed by that, but yeah, that was my week. The work part. I'll stop ranting now. 

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